Educational Consulting

Spiritual development is an important topic often missing from the educational dialogue, despite its ability to enhance all areas of human development through the experiences of deep connections, love, wonderment, and joy.

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By nurturing a child’s spiritual development, we help him develop caring, kindness, empathy, and reverence in a way that sustains him throughout a lifetime. And through these processes, he acquires morals, values, and culture. Exploring nature is a splendid way to help a child make these connections, using his natural curiosity and personal vocabulary.

I develop custom programs, workshops and talks, and write articles, to empower teachers and parents to better nurture spiritual development in young children.

To be the best guides, we must first rejuvenate our own spiritual connections to the world, reflected in wonder and awe. My approach gives you the tools to guide your own process –  to tune into your own natural curiosity and creativity, revisit your goals, improve your skills, and move forward with less stress, and more inspiration.

Imagine then, how your conversations with children will unfold, as you confidently guide them to explore the world of nature and relationships as essential components of their spiritual development.