Theory of Spiritual Development

My doctoral work addresses the spiritual development of all young children. However, I also reflect upon how religion, culture, beliefs, values, and morals evolve from my theory of spiritual development, based upon several assumptions and my grounded theory study, which explores early childhood educators’ definitions of spiritual development in young children. It also describes and analyzes learning activities and experiences that either foster or inhibit a young child’s spiritual development.

I look forward to sharing my evolving theory with you; please visit this area of my website again soon for more information.


  • Spirituality is an inborn, human trait.
  • This innate trait must be nurtured to flourish. (Being in nature is one way to nurture spiritual development.)
  • Spiritual development is a required component for quality early childhood education.
  • More of the whole child is developed when spiritual development is added to a young child’s life.
  • Addressing spiritual development can lead to a better society.